More people
The following people are/were involved mainly in wmii and dwm development as developers and contributors. If you are missing, feel free to add yourself.
- Alexandre DE DOMMELIN (contributed a theme and works on PHP based theme configurator)
- Andrew Milkovich (patches, updates)
- Anthony Martin (ality) (developer, bug fixes, documentation)
- AntThyKem (contributed rpm package)
- Bernhard Leiner (wmipager improvements)
- Bob Crochelt (various feedback)
- Brian Dorsey (contributed various feedback)
- carmee (contributed various feedback)
- chem (bugs and various feedback)
- Christian Schneider (provides the Slackware package)
- Christof Musik (various feedback, small fixes)
- Christoph Wegscheider (python bindings of old libixp, former irc logging)
- Daniel Baumann (Debian packaging)
- Daniel Wäber (wabu) (fixes and patches)
- † Denis Grelich (ex-maintainer)
- Fabian Braennstroem (contributed archlinux packages)
- Fernan Bolando (one of the most active WMI testers, contributed various ideas and feedback concerning the slot)
- Fernando T. C. Lemos (contributed several themes)
- Filippo Erik Negroni (contributes wiki documentation to dwm)
- Dr. Frank Boehme (one of the first WMI users, contributed various ideas)
- Frank Ehmsen (contributed several bug reports and various good feature requests)
- Gabriel (various feedback, various color schemes)
- Gavin McCullagh (contributed various ideas)
- Georg Neis (Developer, documentation, tests)
- grayrest (great ideas for the menu, select-frame policy beside many other valuable ideas)
- Hannes Klas (contributed themes and maintains some translations in the Wiki)
- Henning Bekel (various feedback concerning the ratpoison shortcut handling)
- Dr. Johann Pfefferl (several patches which fixed many issues)
- John Pham (Debian Packager, Sysadmin)
- Jonas Domeij (various feedback concerning wmii, default wmi-10 theme)
- Jukka Salmi (fixes and patches)
- Kai Hendry (sales)
- Kathryn Andersen (contributed nice theme and valuable newbie feedback)
- Kris Malfettone (various feedback concerning wmir)
- Malte Zorn (various feedback)
- Marcel Manthe (Developer of PATH expansion in wmi-10 input mode)
- Marcin Pawlik (contributed Control-keys patch for input mode)
- Mark Weinem (contributed various ideas)
- Markus Lindorfer (contributed patch to compile on Solaris)
- Martin Moncrieff (various feedback concerning Mathematica issues)
- Mathieu L (contributed various feedback)
- Matthew Allen (contributed several themes and great art assets, works on the WMI mascot)
- Michael Ihde (provided several fixes to the container.h class and documentation)
- Nico Golde (nion) (testing, fixes, wmii-2 blue theme, ii developer)
- Norman Golisz (documentation)
- Norman Köhring (pSy) (developer of szs)
- Oliver Kopp (contributed various feedback)
- Oliver Rendgen (Documentation)
- PEYROUX Jean (BSD Port Maintainer (all platforms))
- Rainer Trusch (contributed several bug reports and some ideas)
- Rajesh Menon (contributed various feedback)
- Robert Lillack (contributed some ideas to the new window concept)
- Ryan Sorensen (provided various debug input)
- Salva Peiro (gualteri) (user & translation guide-es)
- Sander van Dijk (developer)
- Sebastian Hartmann (Manual pages for wmii)
- Sebastian Roth (several bugfixes in C and Makefiles, Doxyfile)
- Stefan Kuttler (inventor of the WMI project name)
- Stefan Tibus (fixes and patches)
- Steffen Liebergeld ("A guide to wmii" author)
- Steve Hoffman (various feedback, small fixes)
- Szabolcs Nagy (fixes and patches)
- Tobias Walkowiak (provided various feedback)
- Tuncer Ayaz (contributed some grammar fixes for the Improved GUI concepts paper)
- Uwe Zeisberger (code review, bug fixings)
- Wilson Oliveira (contributed the wmizer tool)
- yiyus || Jesus Galan (dwm patches a go-go)